trying curling iron for the first time (fail!) vs. heatless overnight curls

I used my Revlon Perfect Heat Curling Iron (that I have left sitting in the dust in my closet for many years) and attempted to curl my hair for the FIRST time and compared it with the usual overnight curl twin buns (aka space buns) method that I use.

With summer ending and the new school year coming up, I wanted to find quicker, easier methods of curling my hair for school days!



The Revlon Perfect Heat Curling Iron took me about 30-40 minutes to complete! BUT it probably me such a long time because it was my first time using a curling iron!

I was surprised that the curling iron curls stayed in for the most part throughout the whole day. My hair is the type that does not usually stay in place when I curl it!

Heatless Overnight SPACE BUNS Curls

Note: In the video there is a quick tutorial on how I put my hair up in twin buns for overnight curls!

I typically wear twin buns overnight for about 6-7 hours then take them out in the morning and spritz my hair with hairspray in the morning. If I don’t have time at night to put up my hair, I wear twin buns for about an hour in the morning, spritz my hair with hairspray, take my twin buns out then use hairspray again. With hairspray, the curls usually last throughout the day.

The negative: When doing the twin buns method, I never know how they are going to look in the morning! The curls can sometimes be unruly! Also, since you are putting your hair up in a hair tie overnight and the twin buns are tightly tied to your head, it is probably not the best method for when trying to care for your hair!

TIP: The tighter the twin buns are tied, the more the curl will likely stay throughout the day. I also recommend having damp or dry hair if you plan to do this method of curling your hair. Based on my own experience, having wet hair using the overnight curl twin buns method leaves my hair wet in the morning!

Which Method for School Days?

Based on my experience with curling my hair for the FIRST time using a curling iron, I don’t think I’ll be using the curling iron for school days. I took such a long time just trying to curl one piece of my hair! I’m going to stick with the overnight curl twin buns method for school days!

If you know how to curl your hair using a curling iron and think that this method works best for your hair, go for it! 

What’s your favorite method to curl your hair? Do you have any suggestions for how to make your hair stay curly all day?


4 quick & easy hairstyles

Hairstyles that require no heat and use only 2 rubberbands!